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Code Postal: 00001
Pays: USA
A propos de moi: 
    • Ocean Forest Potting Soil is ready to use right out of the bag and provides the ideal environment for young seedlings to become thriving plants.
    • Our most popular potting soil, Ocean Forest ® is a powerhouse blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, fish emulsion, and crab meal.
    • Aged forest products, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest ® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!
Quelle version du Thermomix® possédez-vous?: Thermomix ® TM 6
Compétences culinaires: débutant(e)
Nom: Mrs Hydroponiccity Hydroponiccity

The hydroponiccity

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